Thursday, 22 March 2012

My Documentary

I want to specialise in television production and I have done a couple of projects as a part of my course and I was the production manager for this project. Below is a documentary that I helped make about my friend Katie. Adoption is subject that is not featured heavily in the media; this documentary tells a unique story of adoption from Katie’s perspective, filled with the ups and downs of her life and the eventual first meeting with her birth father. It offers a good insight for those who display an interest in adoption. The documentary includes vital documentation such as birth certificates, court receipts, hospital documentation and the letter that Katie's adoptive and biological parents had to sign in order to carry out the adoption. It also includes photographs that document her childhood.Research was conducted before we started filming that 1 in 10 children in the UK get adopted. What is different about this documentary is that it comes from the perspective of an adopted person instead of being purely statistic based.

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